Localize your software the right way with Smartcat

The all-in-one software localization solution to foster collaboration and seamless work between developers, project managers, linguists, and stakeholders.

Michelle Quirke
Program Engagement Manager at Topcon
The ease of use within Smartcat, the support that Smartcat provides, and the ability to source freelance translators or vendors from within the same platform. Everything I need is in one solution.

20% of the Fortune 500 trust Smartcat to globally communicate their innovations and ideas.

Localize your software with unprecedented KPI results


Cost savings

With AI workflows versus human-based outsourced vendors.


increased throughput

Of translated content with AI human workflows.


quality assurance

When combining Smartcat AI translation, Translation Quality Score & human review.

Automated software localization designed by developers for developers

Streamline your process by managing keys, supporting plurals, and integrating via API and CLI. Import keys and translated content from external files and add and edit keys and their source text directly.

The global market leader for intuitive, efficient software localization workflows


for ease of setup


ease of use


global corporate clients


of the Fortune 500

It all starts with a call

5 simple steps to localize any software


Create software localization project

Do so on your workspace homepage.


Complete project details

Fill in the project name, and choose source and target languages.


Import keys

Import keys manually using the Smartcat interface. Or set up automated integrations and use Smartcat’s REST API with a cross-platform command-line tool.


Export keys

Do so directly from your collections overview page or from Smartcat Editor.


Edit keys in Editor

Do so by clicking on the language pair in your collection.



to set up integration automation, refer to our developer documentation. For more

detailed information, read to our help center article Set up a software localization project.

Cost, time, & quality needn’t be a choice


Cost savings

“Stanley Black & Decker saved 70% on their translation costs when switching to Smartcat.”

31 hours

Of work time saved monthly

For Babbel’s marketing and L&D departments


Faster turnaround time

“Smith+Nephew accelerated their end-to-end translation turnaround by 400% with Smartcat.”

Take control of your software localization workflow with Smartcat

Drive 95%+ automatic translation quality, generate huge cost savings, and reduce turnaround time from weeks to hours. With Smartcat, you’re in control.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is software localization and why is it important?

Software localization adapts your software for use in different cultures and languages. This can help increase your global reach, user engagement, and market share.

How does Smartcat help with software localization?

Smartcat is a cloud-based, all-in-one translation management system (TMS) designed specifically for software localization. It streamlines the process, integrates with development tools, and provides features like translation memories, machine translation, and quality assurance.

What types of software can be localized with Smartcat?

Smartcat works with all types of software, including mobile apps, websites, desktop applications, games, and more.

How easy is it to use Smartcat for software localization?

Smartcat is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for both technical and non-technical users. The platform integrates with popular developer tools and offers extensive documentation and support. Smartcat also provides an API if desired.

What are the benefits of using Smartcat for software localization?

  • Faster turnaround times: Automate tasks, get high-quality AI translation in seconds, everage translation memories and glossaries, and access a large pool of translators.

  • Reduced costs: Optimize workflows, use automatic translation, and get competitive quotes from vendors.
    Improved quality: Use built-in quality assurance tools and collaborate with skilled linguists.

  • Streamlined workflows: Manage everything in one platform, from project creation to deployment.

  • Enhanced developer experience: Integrates with developer tools and offers developer-friendly features.

Is Smartcat secure for handling my software content?

Smartcat complies with industry-standard security protocols and offers features like role-based access control and encrypted data storage.

Can I try Smartcat for software localization for free?

Yes, Smartcat offers a free trial to get you started with high-quality, fast software localization!

Does Smartcat have any specific features for handling software strings and key management?

Yes! Smartcat offers specialized features for managing software strings and keys, including key extraction, context information, and translation memory specifically trained for software content.


Software Localization Tools,Translation Management,Computer-Assisted Translation,Website Translation Tools





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