Translate any website with Smartcat AI Website Translator

AI-translate your web copy into any
language in seconds and to exceptional quality standards.

Claire Delouis
Director of Learning Innovation and Digital training, Clarins
Clarins expresses high satisfaction with Smartcat as a tool for translating and localizing. We’ve realized substantial cost savings, making the translation process more cost-effective.

25% of the Fortune 500 trust Smartcat to generate high-quality websites for a strong global presence.

Achieve unprecedented KPI results with Smartcat language AI


Cost savings

With AI workflows versus human-based outsourced vendors.


increased throughput

Of translated content with AI human workflows.


quality assurance

When combining Smartcat AI translation, Translation Quality Score & human review.

The global leader for ultra-fast, high-quality website translation


for ease of setup


ease of use


global corporate clients


of the Fortune 500

It all starts with a call

How Smartcat works

5 simple steps to translate your website


Select your language pairs and pages that you want to translate


AI-translate in seconds


Review your files in Smartcat Editor or invite reviewers


Preview your translated web pages before going live


Publish your new website pages

Cost, time, & quality needn’t
be a choice


Faster translation turnaround time

achieved by Smith+Nephew after switching to Smartcat


Cost savings

for Stanley Black & Decker, while increasing quality

31 hours

Of work time saved monthly

For Babbel’s marketing and L&D departments

Take control of your website translation workflow with Smartcat

Drive 95%+ automatic website translation quality, generate huge cost savings, and reduce turnaround time from weeks to hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Smartcat Website Translator?

Smartcat Website Translator is a tool that automatically translates your website content into multiple languages using automatic translation engines. It also uses smart translation assets like translation memory and glossary to create on-brand results in any language, reflecting your preferred tone of voice and incorporating on-brand terminology and linguistic preferences You can then edit and polish the translations manually, invite external linguists, or hire professional linguists from Smartcat's Marketplace for further refinement.

What platforms does Website Translator work with?

Website Translator works with any Content Management System (CMS) through a simple JavaScript code snippet integration. Smartcat also offers ready-made integrations for Wordpress and Drupal, among many other applications.

How can I translate my website with Website Translator?

  1. Sign up for a free Smartcat account.

  2. Select the pages you want to translate and choose your target languages.

  3. Website Translator automatically translates the content using AI-powered engines.

  4. Review and edit the translations yourself or hire professionals from the Marketplace.

  5. Preview the edited translations live on your website before publishing.

  6. Embed the provided JavaScript code to activate the multilingual option for your visitors.

Are Smartcat translations accurate?

Website Translator leverages state-of-the-art automatic translation. Translation quality typically starts at approximately 80%, but you can build it up to 95%+ by using translation memory and glossary, as well as by training AI engines. Accuracy can also vary depending on language pairs and content complexity. Manual editing by linguists ensures higher quality and context-appropriate translations.

Can I use Website Translator for personal websites?

Absolutely! Website Translator caters to both individuals and businesses looking to expand their website's reach by communicating in other languages.

What benefits does Website Translator offer over other website translation tools?

Compared to browser extensions, AI Website Translator provides in-platform editing, live previews, CMS integration, and a suite of powerful automatic translation features, including translation memory and glossary. Compared to standalone tools, it boasts seamless integration with Smartcat's translation management platform and Marketplace of linguists.

Does Website Translator support dynamic website content?

Currently, Website Translator primarily handles static content. However, its integration with specific CMS platforms may offer solutions for partially dynamic content.


Software Localization Tools,Translation Management,Computer-Assisted Translation,Website Translation Tools





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