Kids2 automated ecommerce translation with Smartcat-Salsify connector: better quality and 92% faster turnaround times

Smartcat’s Head of Content, Loie Favre, sat down with Kids2’s Shawn Newton, Sr., Senior Creative Operations Analyst, and Dawn Powell, Supervisor, Ecommerce to discuss Kids2’s translation challenges and how Smartcat has positioned the company to solve them.

Kids2 automated ecommerce translation with Smartcat-Salsify connector: better quality and 92% faster turnaround times

Achieved results



turnaround times



for each upload to Salsify

Kids2 is a global company that designs holistic solutions to help early-stage parents and families.  The leading infant, baby and toddler company designs and manufactures brand products, including Ingenuity, Bright Starts, Baby Einstein, Summer by Ingenuity and SwaddleMe by Ingenuity. Kids2 came to Smartcat searching for a translation delivery solution to solve translation issues, including manual process inefficiencies, a lack of translation memories or central source for multilingual content, translation inconsistency, and cost wastage.

Smartcat’s Head of Content, Loie Favre, sat down with Kids2’s Shawn Newton, Sr., Senior Creative Operations Analyst, and Dawn Powell, Supervisor, Ecommerce to discuss Kids2’s translation challenges and how Smartcat has positioned the company to solve them.

The Challenge

Kids2 translates a variety of marketing materials – for both offline and online purposes – including product packaging and website pages in as many as nine languages. The company also translates and localizes a high volume of content for their e-commerce retailers, including:

  • product descriptions

  • feature bullets

  • instruction sheets

  • care instructions

No defined translation process leads to longer turnaround times

One of the major pain points Kids2 had across their content function was translation. “We didn’t have a defined management system for translation and localization,” explains Shawn.

“We were reliant on email, including the constant back-and-forth with translation agencies. All the agency files were delivered in Excel, and we didn’t have consistency for the storage and retrieval of the translated files.”

No central and searchable central repository for multilingual content

Kids2 also needed a better solution to centralize and search content. Often, they would retranslate content, which incurred unnecessary costs and longer turnaround times. After researching the market, Kids2 found Smartcat.

Immediately we saw that Smartcat was able to provide the exact services that we needed: a translation memory database and a centralized hub for our translation workflow and communication. We were very excited about the elimination of back-and-forth emails and file sharing.
Shawn Newton, Sr.

Shawn Newton, Sr.

Senior Creative Operations Analyst

No integration with main ecommerce tool, Salsify

Another big challenge Smartcat was able to solve was getting Kids2’s translated content into Salsify, which is the company’s primary product experience management platform. The Kids2 team works with a lot of translated content at any given time, and the process of feeding Excel files into Salsify without errors was cumbersome and time-consuming.

The Solution

Smartcat builds Salsify connector to help Kids2

To address the workflow bottleneck of feeding Excel files into their commerce platform, Shawn and Dawn worked closely with Smartcat’s product team to build a Smartcat-Salsify integration. Before long, the integration was up and running allowing Kids2 to send their translated content directly from Smartcat into Salsify.

With Smartcat, our translations render our preferred source language terms into the target languages, which wasn’t our experience with previous provider solutions. The way Smartcat translation memories work enables us to be far more consistent

Improved translation quality and accuracy synced across ecommerce and marketing channels

With Smartcat, our translations render our preferred source language terms into the target languages, which wasn’t our experience with previous provider solutions. The way Smartcat translation memories work enables us to be far more consistent
Dawn Powell

Dawn Powell

Kids2 Supervisor, Ecommerce

The outcome

The Smartcat translation platform has positioned Kids2 to streamline their entire translation workflow and eliminate retranslation cost wastage. The features that really made a difference were the Smartcat-Salsify integration as well as the translation memories.

50-92% reduction in turnaround times – from 90 minutes to under 5 minutes

It’s been a huge time-saver for us. With each upload to Salsify before, when we were reliant on Excel files, it would take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Now with Smartcat, it’s done in just the click of a button. It’s instantaneous and no exaggeration to say that it has significantly improved our process. We’ve gone from 30 minutes to an hour per sequence to less than five minutes.
Dawn Powell

Dawn Powell

Kids2 Supervisor, Ecommerce

A central source of truth for all translated content, synced across the tech stack

Now, Kids2 had the solution they needed for their problem of fragmented and siloed channels of information and storage of translations. Smartcat continuously grows translation memories, provides accurate matches, and allows users to search for terms, all of which contribute to a boost in consistency and quality.

Furthermore, the re-use of content that was already translated allows Kids2 to cut costs and improve turnaround times.

We’re also saving money on retranslating content or content that wasn’t localized to a specific market. The Smartcat team has been amazing in helping us along the way. They’ve been on hand at any moment to proactively provide solutions to break through our bottlenecks and have always provided a stellar, prompt client service.
 Shawn Newton

Shawn Newton

Sr., Kids2 Senior Creative Operations Analyst

Take your ecommerce translation performance to the next level with Smartcat