How to humanize AI content: 7 best practices & tips

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With 76% of marketers now using AI tools to generate basic content and 80% of L&D professionals believing generative AI tools significantly empower personalized learning experiences, it should come as no surprise that across industries the use of AI tools for content creation is becoming practically standard.

The benefits of doing so are hard to dispute: not only is AI-generated content more efficient and cost-effective than writing everything from scratch, but AI tools are also adept at incorporating data-driven insights, facilitating production at scale, and enabling the personalization of texts to meet specific user needs and preferences.

But while content being created by AI hugely assists teams in producing large quantities of targeted content at a very high speed, the texts they generate can suffer from a lack of relatability, authenticity, depth of feeling, and, in some cases, accuracy when compared to content that is generated or edited by humans. For audiences, this can be problematic. Reading unedited or unenhanced AI-generated texts can lead to lower levels of engagement and a lack of trust with the brand or organization producing them, severely impacting results such as customer-building efforts and employee learning outcomes.

For this reason, organizations are increasingly looking for ways to combine the production speed and quality of AI content generators with the creativity and personality of human writers. Whether that’s through skillfully editing and enhancing the results that AI has generated, or by fine-tuning the AI prompts that are used to generate the text in the first place, for those who want to ensure customer or client engagement and trust, these steps aren’t just necessary but crucial to success.

In this article, we’ll be providing you with some practical steps you can take to humanize your AI-generated content to deliver the most robust and impactful content for your valued users.

Ready to learn how to make your AI sound more authentically human? Then let’s dive in.

1. Fine-tune AI prompts

Fine-tuning your AI prompts is one of the most effective things you can do to make your AI-created content sound more human. This process ensures that, from the start of the content generation process, the text contains domain-specific knowledge and is adapted to the particular style, voice, or genre expected of your brand.

Fine-tuning your AI prompts improves fluency, too; by training an AI model on specific, human-produced texts, it can then create content that flows more naturally and is structured in a way that matches how individuals organize their thoughts. Additionally, AI tools can be modeled upon language nuances and patterns, ensuring that language elements like colloquialisms, idiomatic expressions, and cultural references are correctly used within the material being produced.

Tips for fine-tuning your AI prompts

  1. To elicit human-sounding content using an AI content generator, it’s important that your prompts include the use of natural language. This involves incorporating words, sentences, and phrases that accurately reflect how people speak. Everyday language is important here, as is the avoidance of too many technical terms or jargon.

  2. You’ll want to provide the tool with adequate context for the content you’re hoping to generate. This means selecting material and resources that allow the technology to learn and understand your desired tone, style, and topic. Ensure that your prompts are both clear and specific; the more detail you can give, the better the outcome. You’d be wise to include examples from real human conversations in your prompts too, where possible. This enables the tool to mimic human expressions and language more effectively.

  3. While detail and specificity are important, rigid requests can hinder your success here. Try instead to keep your AI prompts as open-ended as you can as this will generate a greater variety of responses. Finally, try to avoid using leading questions or biased language as this can also limit the range of possible replies you receive.

It might take some iteration, experimentation, and refinement for you to learn exactly how best to create human-sounding responses from your AI content generator. Practice and adjustment here are key. With our tips in mind, keep working on your prompts and noting down the responses you get back. Over time and with practice, you’ll soon discover which inputs achieve the most human-like responses from your tool.

2. Repurpose existing content with AI

There exists a range of AI content generators that can repurpose existing human-created content, turning it into fresh assets and materials. Repurposing content such as blog posts or educational assets using this technology is a highly effective way of crafting human-sounding content with AI because the tool has been given the right tone of voice, style, terminology, and language from the outset. The style and language elements of a company’s existing materials are incorporated into new materials by the AI tool, ensuring that a team doesn’t lose the human authenticity or branding of the original content in the new and improved assets.

Smartcat’s AI Content Generator is the ideal tool for marketing and L&D teams to maximize the impact of their existing content while retaining the authenticity, voice, tone, and terminology of their human-generated content. The AI content generator creates original and engaging assets in more than 280 languages by repurposing original company materials. The tool searches and analyzes thousands of company archives and materials that have been uploaded to the Smartcat Drive and repurposes them in dynamic and creative ways.

While marketers might use the Smartcat AI Content Generator tool to create new blog posts, video scripts, or press releases, L&D teams can generate new learning assets such as course content, curriculum outlines, or downloadable information sheets in seconds–all while retaining the human touch of the original content that ensures high engagement and positive outcomes.

3. Use an AI content detector

Originality and content authenticity are integral parts of creating content that users will engage with and trust. For this reason, many organizations use AI content detectors to ensure their content has been made by humans.

An AI-content detector is a tool that employs AI algorithms and machine learning models trained on large datasets to assess the attributes of digital content. Through the recognition of patterns and characteristics within a piece of content, they can accurately predict the nature of the content and, in turn, how that content was generated.

Once you have created some text using an AI content generator and humanized that text using some of the tips we have included here, it is worth running that content through an AI content detector to check that it doesn’t get flagged as AI-generated. If it does, you know that you still have some work to do on it, either before generation with improved prompts, or after, with editing and enrichment.

Incorporating an AI content detector into your content creation process is a good rule of thumb for any organization or department seeking to create authentically human-sounding content. As the field of AI and content generation continues to evolve and grow, so too has the technology to detect AI-created content. Here’s a selection of our favorite AI content detection tools.


Undetectable gives more than a binary response to the question of whether a text is human-generated or AI-generated. This handy tool reviews different elements of copy, from its structure and syntax through to more stylistic elements.

Winston AI

Primarily used by marketers, Winston AI, is a cloud-based and user-friendly AI-detection tool that boasts 99.6% accuracy in its ability to detect AI generation. The tool has a highly intuitive interface, making it a good choice for beginners to this kind of software.

Working to identify both AI-generated text and plagiarized text from other websites, is an ideal tool for markets and L&D teams looking to ensure the absolute originality of their content from blog copy through to educational materials.

4. Include anecdotes, personal stories, and specific use cases

Including anecdotes, personal stories, and specific use cases within your AI-generated content is another effective method of humanizing it. It increases the emotional resonance of the text as well as enhancing its memorability and relatability for users. While anecdotes and personal stories can increase the emotional appeal of your text, specific use cases help users to better visualize your meaning and understand how what you’re saying relates to them.

When added to AI-generated marketing copy, personal stories, and insights significantly contribute to the authenticity of the text. This authenticity humanizes a brand in the eyes of customers and helps to demonstrate the value a brand places on the experiences of real people.

Additionally, when marketers incorporate specific use cases into their AI-created marketing materials, they can effectively highlight the real-world benefits and outcomes of their products and services. This social proof serves to reinforce the value proposition of what the brand is offering.

In the case of L&D teams, the inclusion of relatable anecdotes in AI-generated content not only humanizes it, but also increases contextual understanding, demonstrates how to apply skills and ideas in real-world scenarios, and motivates and inspires learners. When knowledge and information come from real people, for example, employees or industry professionals, learners are more likely to trust that information and value it more highly. Quotes or insights from subject matter experts add credibility and authenticity to content; valuable sentiments which are difficult to mimic using AI.

5. Use emotional language

Incorporating emotional language into your content is a powerful way to both humanize AI-generated text and increase engagement from users. One reason for this increased engagement is down to the fact that the emotional area of the brain can process sensory information much more quickly than the cognitive area. This is supported by evidence which shows that marketing campaigns that incorporate emotional language are more successful than those that don’t, particularly with younger audiences.

Unsurprisingly, emotional language is a persuasive marketing and messaging tool. Demonstrating empathy for users and conveying a good understanding of the challenges they face is always likely to build trust and authority in a brand. When incorporated into AI-generated content, emotional terminology can also increase relatability, enhance the naturalness of an interaction between a company and its users, and bolster trust and engagement.

From a storytelling perspective, emotional language also plays a significant role. Emotive words and phrases can help to provoke responses such as humor, empathy, or inspiration in users, significantly contributing to the impact of a brand’s storytelling strategy.

By adding depth and feeling to AI-generated content, emotional language helps a brand to authentically connect with its audiences, building longer-lasting and more impactful relationships.

Gatorade’s “The Boy Who Learned To Fly” campaign

Some of our favorite examples of powerful emotional storytelling and language in marketing and advertising campaigns include:

  • Lysol ’s “ Protect Like A Mother ” campaign, in which the disinfectant spray manufacturer sends a message of empowerment to mothers and celebrates their protective role.

  • Nike ’s Emmy Award-winning “ Believe In Something ” campaign, in which the sportswear manufacturer tackles the controversial subject of police brutality against protestors

  • Gatorade ’s “ The Boy Who Learned To Fly ” campaign, in which the soft drink company tells the story of world famous runner Usain Bolt.

The core reason for the huge success of all of these campaigns is that they use emotional and evocative language to address real issues that their audiences genuinely care about.

6. Train the AI to better match your voice

When AI tools are trained to accurately match the voice, tone, and chosen terminology of an organization, branding efforts remain consistent and recognizable to users. This provides users with a sense of familiarity and comfort which, when combined with emotional language and well-crafted storytelling, connects them to a brand.

Personalization plays a role here, too. By creating content that accurately represents a recognizable voice, a user’s experience feels more tailored to their specific preferences which boosts their engagement further.

Tips to train your AI model to match your brand’s tone of voice

  1. Collect data for the tool to work from

Select a range of texts that you feel accurately represent your voice, tone, vocabulary, and language

  1. Customize your AI translation engine prompts

Incorporate your style guide, required terminology,and tone of voice instructions

  1. Create your own specific prompts

Eg: “Make more formal” or “Make more colloquial”

  1. Evaluate the output

Measure how closely the AI-generated text matches your human-generated content and make adjustments to your instructions as necessary

7. Consider it a first draft, not a final draft

Our final piece of advice when it comes to humanizing AI content is to use AI as your drafting and research tool rather than your key content writer. While AI does a fantastic job of gathering data, summarizing key facts, and drafting outlines, the most authentic human-sounding text will need the input of an actual human.

By using your AI-generated content as your first draft and carefully editing it, you are able to retain all of the smart facts and insights from the AI-generated content while still providing real authenticity, contextual understanding, creative flourishes, and appropriate tone of voice–all provided by a human editor.

Multinational medical equipment manufacturer, Smith and Nephew, uses a combination of AI translation, in-house language specialists, and external translation reviewers to ensure the highest levels of quality, accuracy, and relevancy for their multilingual content. In addition to features such as real-time, global team collaboration, and operational agility, the team also benefits from the tool’s stored terminology, operational agility, and high consistency standards which, when combined, lead to high-quality human-sounding text generation in multiple languages.

Don't skip humanizing AI content

As we have seen, despite the incredible advances in AI content creation technology of the last few years, the advantages of creating humanized content cannot be ignored. However, these two types of content generation need not be mutually exclusive, and in fact, provide the best results when used in tandem.

By combining finely-tuned AI prompts, repurposed content, and AI voice mimicry with human editing, emotional language, and storytelling, AI is a highly effective and supportive tool for writers, editors, and translators in crafting text that is not just authentically human-sounding, but that deeply resonates with users, too.

For learning and development translations, check out Smartcat’s Language AI platform. The tool translates more than 280 languages, learning from the content you provide and improving its output with every translation. The tool is simple and intuitive, ensuring anyone on the L&D team can use it irrespective of their translation experience.

With support for Articulate Rise 360 XLIFF files,, the Language AI platform adapts to your current workflow, leveraging the latest generation of translation engines and the expertise of more than 500,000 vetted linguists.