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Selling without selling

September 9, 5:39 PM
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How to sell without selling in COVID19 era? Join my presentation! As a localization industry influencer I'm happy to share with you tips and advice on how to create, nurture and do business with your community from home during these difficult times using social media LinkedIn and Instagram.


Max Morkovkin 00:00
So, now, we will be having another presentation and this will be in productivity track. So far, we had presentations in engineering and business track and have EDS Global Brand Champion at the Clara will be presented in productivity track. Hello heavy.

Javi Diaz 00:24
Hi, how are you guys doing? Oh good.

Max Morkovkin 00:26
Oh, good three hours life almost three hours. So yeah,

Javi Diaz 00:30
you're about to take a break and what is my friend Brian, you know that Brian and I were working together he was my client when I wasn't mentors. I follow him on Instagram big time. And I want to say hi to him. What do you say?

Max Morkovkin 00:41
Ryan will be in one hour. So sorry for disappointing you.

Javi Diaz 00:50
It's amazing. Thank you guys. So yeah, thank you. So thank you like I like to I should take the mic. If you want to do some introductions. Let me know, bro.

Max Morkovkin 00:59
Yeah. So let me just quickly tell about your presentation. And then you can get started. Now you can just prepare your presentation and share the screen. So guys, heavy will tell us about how to work from home and this post COVID-19 era. I'm sure all of you already get used to this. And some people I know already hate these online meetings. They want to see people offline, sit together have a coffee or lunch. But this is the reality and yeah, let's try to enjoy it. Still we have many opportunities scheme with these and no borders really no borders right now. So and these look from home is really good. You know, kind of result of this post COVID-19 era, I see that many people join us. Okay, so 400 Live attendees now, having given the mic to you, the NX, share your screen

Javi Diaz 02:01
share the screen. I really want like whenever I do a presentation or introduction or or one of my live shows I really want to start this lab shows with the Thank You message. And first of all, I want to thank the audience last 400 people that are here listening to me, it's amazing to have you here guys. Thank you. I want to thank my parents, my family that are watching as well. So thank you to some friends of mine that are tuning in especially let's compare materials so to all of them Mario who's watching this a lot of friends of mine that has like, Dude, we can't wait to see this. And and also send a thank you. Thank you, Mr. Near because his presentation was amazing. I don't know how I'm gonna do that better, right. But on the other hand, I didn't come here to pitch you what Clara does, I know that a Clara is the best LSP out there we have we're a multi million dollar company we have no, no, it's not going away. We have case studies, we have the big clients. So that's that's it. I came here because two main reasons. One, I really want to, as you said, let people know that there's ways and ways of connecting. And I want on top of all to make people think that there's there's more behind the typical stereotype of salesperson of sales process, etc. Right. So those are my two main my two main my main my two main reasons why I'm doing this right what I want to do this. So thank you message. reasons to do this. Can we start sharing them?

Max Morkovkin 03:21
Yeah, have a thank you very much. It's the best introduction very warm and you love it.

Javi Diaz 03:28
So alright, so for those of you who don't know me, my name is Carly. I am Spanish Welcome to this accent we're gonna be from right. I'm from Oviedo. I sit in the north of Spain. I'm a lawyer. I have a law degree. I have a master's in international business. I've been around the world for almost 13 years so far. I've lived five years living in Germany five years you've been living here in Prague. I live in Prague, by the way, I'm a I'm a nomad. But today I find myself home in practice. And in the end, I always like to call myself an advocate for millennials, you know, that generation that has that is supposed to take care of over the over the world in the next few years. And look at us, we are more prepared than our parents. We have been, you know, we speak more languages. And in 10 years, we've seen the world collapse twice. Right? So since since we millennials, I think we're we're trailblazers, we are we should be trailblazers, we should be people that, that find new ways of doing things. So I said representative of the BLS, I was saying, I'm trying to find a way to do business and to create community and to help in a very different way. Right. Just a quick introduction of like most of you those four people 400 people that are watching, I landed in this industry perchance I have been an intrapreneur I created a company with a friend in Ukraine in 2013, which sank right away. After that I was a tour guide in Munich. And now perchance thanks to Joseph, who is also watching, I landed in this industry, when he hired me to work for a technology provider here in Prague, right. So and I've been a Think I'm happy to say that I've been doing a little bit. I mean, I've been doing the way, I've been doing my job the way I'm going to present it today. And in one of the coolest achievements that I got was like when when there was this, when Nipsey published last month, a list of influencers. I was there. And I was like, That's amazing, right? So yeah, thankful for that I've been named and influential in the industry. And thank you to those who have voted and have done that, right. So this is a small introduction, I work for a company called McLaren, most of you probably know, it's one of the mid, mid big size LSPs from the United States, multiple companies and said, we work with some of the biggest brands out there. And, and now, the real presentation is going to start and I'm going to let you guys know one thing, I have worked on it in a way that it makes it very, very easy and happy to follow. And I've added, I finally wanted to add something different because I am a different person, they like to do things in different ways. So I've added to every slide that I've done a picture that I have taken from my trips around the world, right? So let me start off, let me start by the next the first question, right? The first slide. And, and you guys probably have seen the title of the selling without selling or as I like to call it, the Global Brand Champion way in half, ask yourself, why don't Eric is a global brand champion, right? Who has hired a guy to be a government champion, right? So why this role, and I'm going to take you to the past, when I started in the industry, or when I started, I'm a social person, I like to connect and like to do sales. And I've always loved this. But I felt that I could do more. So when when I was working in sales before this industry or in this industry, I had the classical sales roles, Business Development Manager, Business Development Director, sales representative for whatever, but I, in every year, following traditional methodologies of sales, I was able to sell about my targets every single year, congratulated by the company, you can ask me about the possibility of probably watching, they will confirm that. But I felt that since my message was very well accepted by people then see if I miss them, people will love it, I could take this sales role to a different level. So I said, and since I am a millennial, let me look for a title that that goes or more along with the way I'm doing things. So I said, Let's be something that's global or industry globalization, brand, of course, representing the brand and champion. So that's, that's a very millennial title that I'm happy to, to carry around. And they've asked me, How do you do like, is that a brand ambassador role? Is that the way you do easy sales? And I'm like, No, that's not it, like the government champion is a very specific position. And I'm telling you, four things that I noted down that a global brand champion has to have, first of all, and foremost, you have to be kind, kind to everybody, to prospective clients, to colleagues, to to competitors to everybody, be kind care, care about people care about the people that you're talking to care about the people that you're doing business with, care about your team care about everybody solve problems, you have to solve problems all the time, identify and solve problems, and always, absolutely always make new friends. All right, that's the those are the four premises of the global champion. Let me add two more. I always show up. I'm always there. I am on in all the conferences about No, no, I'm trying to be in other conferences. Last year when traveling was allowed at the normal level, I was able to travel 170 days, bring positivity bring it identify business opportunities help people in more than I check my statistics in 20 different countries. So it wasn't that right. And there's another thing that you guys are gonna tell me I'm really crazy. I never pitch people. I think the pitch and I wrote an article about this in February. Pitching is a thing of the past with all the information available, which is a thing of the past. So the and before we go to the next slide, I want to let you guys know about the methodology or the role of the government champion in which size of which kind of company, it fits from my understanding, it fits every organization from a huge company. I'm talking nosepiece, of course, in our sector, small companies. But if you allow me to tell you give you an advice, it works perfectly in a midsize company in a midsize company in which they have Global Brand Champion can focus on traveling, inspiring, connecting solving problems. And then once the client is ready to buy, because in our industry, people don't talk about this all the time. But the buying cycles of the clients are very specific. And one of the mistakes that salespeople do is constantly go there and push and push and push and push and so when the client is ready, the government champion makes sure that along with the sales person, it's the client has a great onboarding experience. Right and that's, that's that's happening that's happening all the time. So you can implement this more this role as well in small sales opportunities, but interested in small sized companies, but then the Global Brand Champion or the selling without selling role. would be a little bit like, I mean, we lose a little bit of its meaning because this person would have to continue the whole deal without the assistance of sorry, of another of another another member of the city, right. So that's it. This business school took getting serious the other day. And this one picture is I took it in in Salt Lake City. Last year, exactly a year ago, when I went to visit my friend, Jeff Gibidi. The secret formula, let me tell you something, nowadays, and in the last 10 years, we are going through some one of the most difficult periods in the history of in the recent history of humankind, right for everybody in this industry in other industries. So let me, let me tell you the secret formula, and I couldn't have stress this more, we salespeople are not allowed to hard sell. That's what we shouldn't do. Now. That's common. And I'm gonna give you three things, or I'm going to be discussing about three things now, in the next couple of slides about three things that, I think are the key to doing business in hard times. That's now doing business the way I'm doing business and working now, right? Because I think that I'm only talking about it looks like I'm only talking about sales representatives from companies, but I've been speaking with lots of the leaders in the industry, and they tell me, dude, my job is basically selling internally. So if you're a localization manager, or VP of localization, or or, or, or a member of the localization team in a company, you can use some of my secret formula. And I'm gonna give you I'm going to tell you, the next thing is I took this modeling in Thailand last year, connect, connecting with people is the most important thing from my understanding that you can be, as I said, Before, I noticed that one of the things one of the most important aspects of being of selling without selling or being a global brand champion is always been there. It's funny, like, I think all social butterfly has been called social icons, the luxury industry is super funny. I love those things. But they make sense. Because I always show up in a conference in Silicon Valley. I always show up in, in, in women in luxury in Amsterdam, I show up to a local lunch in London, or, or I'm networking in and having fun with local leaders in New York, for example, right? Now, it's difficult you tell me you're telling me Well, that's amazing for how the world was before, right? Or for how the situation was before. So so when you have been when you have lost, and when you have lost all those ways? How are you doing it now? Right? Well, I'm going to tell you something, connect, connect with your audience, connect with people understand their problems, understand what they're going through. And not only not only sorry, I just had a phone call, and I see my Amazon deliveries coming so I can go pick it up. So connect with people understand their province, what they're going through what they expect in the future. Like, in I shoot a video about this the other day, probably those of you follow me on LinkedIn have seen it. I was criticizing the way people tried to connect with others into business with when they sent copy pasted messages, we can take your website from five to 75 different languages with this. Yeah, I will always want to reply, no one cares, right. That's, that's how you that's not connecting. From my understanding, I think connecting is caring about who you're talking to. building that relationship really close, using the platforms that are available nowadays, when you can travel approach in a nice way. And help be there. If I wrote on here, as well, if if you want to start doing this, it's never too late. You can start now. I mean, I'm lucky that I did this before. And now it's becoming. It's incredible. But it's becoming very easy for me to create business opportunities for my company, through conversations through friendly conversations. It's amazing. But as I said, like let me give you a couple of tips on this question. I want to ask you like, like, listen to the people that you're that you are that you are that you're talking to listen to them, listen to them, really listen to them. And, and and apply the feedback to to your report, right. second pillar of the selling without saying way. And and then the second pillar of the of the of the of the global champion ways care. I do care. I care about my friends. I care about my people, I care about my community. Are you spending enough time caring about those followers that you have? Are you spending enough time caring about your prospective clients? As people, they have problems they might have had in now it's difficult times. family member that is sick, they might have lost the jobs. are you caring about them? I am caring and it's working out super well. Oh, and I've in about caring, I also give a tip on this is never started, I started a conversation in which I care about somebody with a sales pitch or with a copy pasted message. So that's another thing, right? This picture is from Greece. I also took it last week, by the way, I came back from a week ago, and I'm going back on Friday, I can't wait to be there again. And it's another important thing that I pointed out the very beginning Speier, and I'm thrilled to write this I love to write this because one of the, and I'm going to give an example of what has happened to me what's happening to me right now. I started the lock life event, which is a platform for localization people, it's an online event that we celebrate once a month, it's sponsored by mean backed by a Claro by a clarify my company, in which we provide a we create panels of leaders or location people something to talk about and discuss life, career development, perspectives, things that are that are, you know, that people watch in, as I said, I always give this an example. We're never there to talk, how I implemented this machine translation thing, or how amazing we are no, no, I'm getting an engagement through inspiration to providing a platform for people to talk about problems that they have things that they have things they do in the industry. And it gets messages from, from prospective clients, from my boss, from colleagues, and from competitors, saying, dude, what you're doing this sorry, I'm gonna read some messages on how to use padding me so much keep doing what you're doing. The other one is called at least through your post, I can see the world. What do I have to do to get a job like yours and be my friend? Those are amazing. And those people I'm telling you from these formalities that I noticed here, two of them have given me a business opportunity in the last five weeks. Isn't that good? So Inspire. Try to inspire. If you're thinking, Oh, my God, I'm not an inspirational person. What am I going to do to inspire? Let me give you four tips here. Focus on relationships with within people focus, and leave. Second, leave your ego behind. That's very important. I my company, I I I mean, oh, yeah, for me, it's important for my company is important. No, leave that behind, leave the Lego behind. Be enthusiastic. Show the people that you are that you like what you're doing, I am loving what I'm doing, I created a way of life out of doing this, I couldn't live another way. And then as I said, before, listen, and reply accordingly. This inspires people. I've been a hard listener before, but I'm evolving to become a much better listener. And since I'm applying these kinds of things, it's working. Alright. This sunset is in Carrillo California, taking on the Fourth of July last year, when I drove an amazing car to there. And then here's a super good one, right? If you want to apply if you want to do the way, if you want to follow the way of the government champion or to business, sell without selling? How about having a story to tell? Tell a story. You must be a storyteller. What is your story? Do you have a story, you can create your story, but be honest, and be thankful and be true. Alright, don't create nothing that is that lets me jump in on our tempo the other day. So what to say? You really want to spend time in building your story are you going to really spend time in using the platforms needed to, to expand it to to let your audience know that you're there and you're trustworthy person, they can rely on you. You're nice, cool. And they can give you your business and do this. Now this, I took this picture here in Prague, where I live one of my bike tips, just in the center. But I just wanted to put out there the importance of social media, especially now during the pandemics, how are you using social media? How are you using it? And let's talk about I mean, we mainly use Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Right? If I tell you that I'm getting business meetings through Instagram, the opportunities that are very big would you believe me? How are you using social media? And I'm gonna tell you like, like, like, for the content that you're using that that you've provided to your audience. I another picture of Brad the beautiful day that I got to hear. Let me give you some some things about your content right there. What kind of use of social media you use this kind of uses that is home and we're sharing content and, and oh, I'm so proud of what my company did. I'm so proud of, of, of this achievement from somebody. So from a member of your company that you don't even know are you creating content, creating nice content, inspirational content, I'm mostly following the second and when I do that, I try to add to my posts With the things that I'm doing to create, engaging to create, you know, at the end relationships and business opportunities, words like love, how do you see getting an email or a post signed with love or or spreading love sending my love across the oceans and enhanced the sun, we're working. Help. Help is the key word. Help, Help Help. I'm here to help. And I look forward to helping you ready to help when you are ready. This is the way to go. I also love this towards being there. I can't wait to be there to meet you guys, when traveling is allowed. I'm here for you. Anytime I'm doing this for you. I'm here. Right? That's that's another important. Those are two important words that I always use. Because I feel that from the heart that this needs to be used more right? Assisting will seek help, right? It's a bit like it'll be the same. And now, I'm thinking I'm running out of time. I have nine more minutes. So let me just quickly give you two things. quality versus quantity. And I'm referring to two things here. quality versus quantity of your audience, and quality versus quantity of your content. Hey, let's talk about the audience first. If you ask me, why would you prefer quality or quantity of audience definitely know this question in terms of Audience Quality audience, it's better to have 30 engaged people, followers calm as you want friends that love your posts and live with you that having non organic 30,000 followers that engage the robot, so quality of the audience is more important, quote, and then and then. And then, regarding content, from my understanding, I think quality, the more content you produce, the more content you share, that you have produced, the more content you put out there, it's better. And it helps you measure the quality of the content that you're putting out. Right. So quality for the audience, remember this, they have to have 20 Nice followers that love you that go with you anywhere, and quantity of content that you give them, they will judge. Okay, that's very important as well. And you will learn about so we can do those two. Here. Like I'm gonna take three more minutes. So we have four, five minutes, 4444444 questions, tips, a be organic, please be organic, always be organic. I just said it. People feel that you're using an agency both and I'm not against that. Please don't Don't. I'm not saying that. But people when they see your posts, when they see the way you're working with the things you're doing, they realized they see that you are or you're not organic line so be organic. Near said before, don't be transactional. I am not transactional, I create an ideal friendships, friendships that turn into business. Friendships are the key. Relationships are the key Don't be transactional, just state. But other than this is called try to be a source of positivity and optimism. When you're around people do that show that be an energy giver, not an energy drowned trainer. Don't take energy from them. Always spell it. This is the I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't disclose this one more reply fast. Whether it's a prospective client, your boss or a competitor, I get 1000s of messages. Messages from from from competitors. We can take I do 75 different languages for you. I reply, good for you. But in reply, so reply, okay. First, be funny. Be funny. Be yourself. If you think the government champion way or the selling without selling way, it's not for you. Don't do it. They think as I said at the very beginning, and try to do it but be yourself. Do what makes you happy. And this is number one for me. I learned to not complain about stuff and accept things as they are. And in in keep pushing right. And as you so always be thankful I started being thankful. Being thankful is sexy, people love I think you must always be thankful. It's better to say thanks more times in your emails in your posts than not say Okay, thank you. I see another time. Thank you. Please follow me on instagram lowing during Harvey is the name of badness opera, which is my favorite opera The Night of the Grail slash Harvey LinkedIn connect with me on LinkedIn right now if you have questions, I don't have time to answer them here connect with me on LinkedIn caviar definitely kind of a hot there's no other heavier definitely kind of Mahal in the world. There's no other government champion. Look for me there. I'm happy to share those. I'm happy to share, you know, ideas. And the last but not least, and this is yesterday didn't tell the guy so that color I also had smartcard. We have the next session of lock life which as I said it's the next day Is there it's the platform that we at claro have enabled for leaders and for localization people to talk about life is taking place tomorrow at 12:15pm. Eastern Coast and at 615. This time and we have an amazing panel with a we have a great panel we have a panel with with terrorists from from from Starbucks, we have a panel with so please go to our website and register. Thank you.

Max Morkovkin 25:30
Yeah, so have you after your presentation, I have no doubt that you can sell without selling even through Tiktok. A lot of energy on us. I see.

Javi Diaz 25:43
I just miss my I just miss my new my new my Amazon thing, man, they had to come out.

Max Morkovkin 25:51
Okay, so many people sharing very good, you know, kind of messages in the chat. You have many fans now already. I really liked the thing that you said about the help was help people. One of the first messages I sent when someone aiding me in LinkedIn. I'm just saying, Hey, how can I help you? So really like this and totally agree with you. So let's take a look on the questions that we have in our q&a. And I will help you to read them. So yeah, so one, okay, many messages about loving you. really passionate about your presentation. So question for heavy from Iran. How do you stay organic and less transactional? When more and more enterprises use impersonal automated communication channels to replace traditional ones?

Javi Diaz 26:48
Do you know how you do this? By sitting down in the morning, every day? And thinking oh, what goes through my mind right now? Oh, let's create something around that. I have a thought like, I have a thought like I've seen that I received a bunch of automated messages. Now. Let's do a post on how that doesn't help people connect or do business. Right? For example. That's a that's an idea. Right? And, and the community of I don't want to call them followers because their friends, they they like it. They like the touch on this. Right. So it's cool, and it's working.

Max Morkovkin 27:22
Another question from France Tiro. Always showing up is costly for small and midsize businesses. Do you have more advices for us who have to connect to clients via email with the three main with the three main ideas you have.

Javi Diaz 27:39
Yeah, don't use your email, your social media. That's how I that's how I want you to connect like like yeah, and the end use several platforms because one might change his algorithm in two years and then your business is going down the drain right? So you got to find balance between both of them right or whatever, right? But use be an experienced social media user. I totally into that. Create content. That's that's what you got to do. And in add people to your network, nurture them. Be nice, be kind. That's it.

Max Morkovkin 28:14
And that was very funny question in the chat. Someone said, how to be so energized if you are not from Southwest European country.

Javi Diaz 28:22
Oh my God, I am from I'm from the northeast. And I have a question there from Joseph. My ex boss, my first boss in the industry. Where do you find your energy? He knows well, I like I love that guy.

Max Morkovkin 28:34
Okay, heavy. Thank you very much for joining us today. It's time for us to run the poll. Yeah, really great presentation. You energize everybody for for the rest. How many hours we have eight hours more more than eight hours so guys, you're fully energized now and yeah,

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