Upload video and audio files directly to Smartcat for instant transcription translation

Smartcat is your gateway to multimedia localization! We know how important videos and audio are in today’s digital-first, visual, streaming-obsessed world. That’s why we’ve made it very easy to translate videos and audio with our AI transcription feature.

Now, you can upload your videos and audio files right into Smartcat and we will convert it into subtitles with timecodes. You don’t need to extract the text file and upload it separately. After transcription, you can see translated subtitles in a real-time video preview. We support more than 80 file types, including most video, and audio (not to mention subtitles) formats so you never have to convert them beforehand or worry about distorted information.

Stay tuned! More cool features are on the way

Very soon we will release a source editing feature for subtitles! With this update, you will be able to edit transcribed text for typos or other mistakes. Watch this space!

Video formats - NEW

mp4, mpeg, avi, mov, 3gp, 3g2, flv, m2v, m4v, mkv, mpg, ogv, qt, ts, vob, wmv

Audio formats - NEW

mp3, wav, wma, mp2, ogg, aac, flac, m2a

Subtitle file formats - Previous Smartcat feature


How to upload audio and video files to translate

The steps to do so are simple:

1. Go to your Smartcat workspace.

2. Select “Translate a File” or create/open a project.

3. Upload your file and select the source and target languages.

4. Select “Translate Files” to AI translate them in seconds.

If you need a vetted linguist to check and approve the AI translation, you can instantly find the best perofessional for your industry and vertical in our Smartcat Marketplace, the largest global network with over 500,000 vetted linguists. The option to find a translator happens in the next screen with our AI sourcing grabbing a list of readily available and top talent for your multimedia project.

Learn more about in our Help Center article about how to translate video and audio files.

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