Smartcat Translator for Desktop

Smartcat Translator for Desktop is a long-awaited companion to its namesake extension for the Google Chrome browser. Smartcat Translator for Desktop is the easiest way to communicate or create content in multiple languages on the go. For maximum versatility, we have provided three versions of the app: for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

The only pre-requisite to installing Smartcat Translator is an active Smartcat account. If this requirement is fulfilled, download the suitable version, launch the lightning-fast installation, and the next thing you see is this cheerful person with a genuinely puzzled cat welcoming you to Smartcat Translator.

The only required settings are Source text and Target text languages. As soon as those are defined, you can select any text on the page or type it inside the source text editor, and then press Ctrl + Enter to translate the it. The translation to the selected target language will immediately appear in the Target text field.

In addition to translating texts directly in the Translator window, you can translate them in any application without losing the keyboard focus, by executing a simple sequence of keystrokes. To simplify the process even further, you can automate it and reduce it to a single keystroke. Note that keeping your Translator window open is not necessary. You can close it and continue using the shortcuts to perform the translation.

Smartcat Translator will automatically check for updates on startup. If there is a new version, a notification will be shown and the application will be updated on restart.