Maximize translation performance with Translation Quality Score by Smartcat

Discover Translation Quality Score (TQS) by Smartcat, an objective, automatic, and consistent way to continuously measure translation quality through AI.

Now get instant quality scores for each of your translations down to the sentence or phrase level! Pretty handy, right?

With such powerful data insights, you get an immediate understanding of the exact level of translation quality, on both macro and micro levels. Furthermore, it’s all automatic and requires no technical knowledge.

But, what exactly is TQS by Smartcat?

Translation Quality Score is a number, ranging from 0 to 100, that provides a quick overview of how good your AI translation is. 

To define the score, Smartcat uses a proprietary combination of powerful AI-based capabilities and machine learning quality assessment techniques. The result is a meticulously derived score to define the quality level of the translation.

TQS is calculated for each translated phrase or sentence. The Smartcat platform then combines these individual scores together to give you an overall score for a particular language pair in your project, or for the project as a whole.

Using TQS

To truly maximize performance, you’ll be able to view TQS on three separate areas of your translation workspace on Smartcat:

1. Project languages

To show the TQS of each translated language

2. Project level widget

A side-screen widget that displays overall quality

3. Segment level

TQS for each specific text segment inside a translation file

With TQS, you’ll now be able to see how good your translation quality is in any language pair, in an instant. As a result, TQS can form an important role in measuring and optimizing your translation performance.

For instance, learning and development teams can harness the power of TQS to measure the quality of online course AI translation in any language. 

To give another example, marketing departments can use TQS to get exact quality insights into translations for marketing collateral, such as brochures, email sequences, or social media copy.

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