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Meet The Brand New Smartcat UX

May 6, 5:39 PM
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The Product Team was hard at work making some helpful and value-driven improvements to the Smartcat user experience. In this video, Serge Borovikov, VP of Product, goes gives a Smartcat UX Guided Tour to give you an overview, what's new, and explain the various benefits that come with it!


Serge Borovikov 00:00
Hi, everyone, thanks for coming. And today I will tell you about the new SmartCAT. Our new approach to new UX. I think many of you used to see our, our current SmartCAT, which is outdated. I mean, in terms of user interface is too complicated. And I think many of you already know how to use it. But we started big changes since markets maybe healthier ago, and today I will show you are the first step in our journey to the new Yaks. We covered with this first step, but two main cases that we collected from the whole are jobs that can be done in smartcard. And all these cases are connected to the machine translation. So for example, if you are a company or a team, where teammates need to have an access to fast machine translation, and to fast editing, without sending documents to the manager, if you need to have each teammate is the latest workspace. This new smartcard will be perfectly fit for you. And in the second case, if you need to collaborate with your teammates, without you know, without assignments, without cost calculations, and many other things that we have in the current version, when you want to hire someone, if you just need to collaborate with teammates, you also will be able to do that inside the new interface through through sharing. And how we'll build it, we created a new version of smartcards near the old one. So now, it will look for you like two separate applications. And we've made a switch here for the experience where you can switch between managers experience experience that that we called everything that you have now in the current market where you can manage complicated projects, implement, implement any kind of automations you can hire and work with the marketplace translator or translators or with your internal translators. And the new interface will be called individual experience where you can use our fast translation tool. So if you will join to the demo usage of of the new of the new smart card you will have inside your account switcher that allow you will allow you to switch between these experiences so you can simultaneously use both. And let's go to the demo. I'll show you today. So how it looks. You see now you see the workspace, which is clean. Yeah, without any any complicated menus and vacations, you just see the projects that you've created the progress on them. And you have here the pursuits to start creation. When you start creation, the translation you can as you know already the first translation project in different smartcard. You have can choose languages here you can drop a file, you can drop many files as you want, you can add many languages and what we have new here a comparison to the to the current version, we added here in settings, where you can manage the type of the translation which will be performed now for this translation. So, you can for example, choose choose the provider engine for for selected languages or you can choose the type of translation it will be performed using the machine translation plus transfers from memory only empty only time TM, so you can now manage it or you can even disable automatic translation if you don't want to use it now and you know that you will make translation manually with your teammates or whatever. So, let's start the installation. We've made clean progress bars that now allow you more Faster understand what is going on and what's happening with your translation. Now, translation was performed. And what we have new here is the new page for, for the overview of this translation. As you see, it's also more clean. And there are lots of spaces compared to the current one. Here we see the project name and language pairs that we created for translation and translation to in inside each language pair. So from here, we can see we can download the files from any, any anyplace. And what we have new here is the totally new editor. Let's see how it looks like. I'll turn off the complicated this sections. Yeah. So I think you all used to see the old editor, which is also complicated and have many panels and tools to use. Now we've made it simple as Center, you can edit easily your texts to make it more to make it more clear, and if you the same thing we have with the translation memory, if you will perform the automatic translation and then aged post edit the text that came from the machine translation, if you edit them here and apply the translation, you will have it inside your translation memory and it will be reused. And the new thing that we added inside of this new editor that when you came here in editor, you can switch between languages, between between projects without going TO to your workspace to choose them. So it will also be easier to navigate here. And we have here one just one file and make your work with the software more convenient. So what we have interesting here is you saw I just edited one, one segments of the texts, and I didn't approve it, and now my translation looks like not finished. And for you see, we can launch it thematic translation now to finish this translation or, for example, let's try to create the project with the without translation without automatic translation at all, just to disable it here. And let's translate let me repeat this for a second. Yep. And what we have here, we just created the translation without progress, right, I mean, without automatic translation, and we can launch automatic translation even from from here. So, we can for for example, we can go to the editor and start translating the document manually. And then if we will, for example, it's okay for us to continue this this translation using the machine translation we can also watch it from here you see here your balance SmartArt balance and you see the number of words which you will need to perform this translation to finish this translation and then after we will applied the translation will be performed here. It should be performed here should be Yeah. It will be performed now. Sorry, something went wrong. Interesting. And yeah, she'd met happens, because, you know, we now have this software in in the beta version. So, if it happens sometimes because we are now going to continue to develop it and what we will ask everybody to help us if this simple scenarios will cover your current needs and you can try to use it we will ask you to help us to you know to fast find more such bugs here and until we are in beta we will try to fix them super fast and make like this experience more stable. So I just show you how How we will work with the translations. So, the next thing is sharing tool of how you will manage your team and how you can let me delete this translation, how you can share this experience among your teammates. So you can do it from here. Or you can go to the management of your account, we have totally new account management environments here. And here we have the new team page where you can manage all users, the team currently working with you here. And the now we have the invitation of the link here, you can choose the role, which will be which the user will have after he will accept the invitation. And all of your teammates will appear here after this invitation will be accepted. And after all this, after you will send an addition to your teammate, he will have access to your project. So you can collaborate with him together without any assignment assignments. So you can go your teammate or translator can go to any project and edit it here. As I said, without any without any invitation, and if you will create an invite a teammate with the Role Manager, he will see all projects, if you will invite someone with their own user, this user will see only the projects that he will create. I also have here the new panel for the smartboards you will see here your baggage and how you perform with this, you can depart for your balance from here, you can also manage your subscriptions from here. And looks like it's all for the for the first for the first two. And the thing that I told you at the beginning is the experience switcher. Now we are currently in the individual experience, and we can go to the manager experience. And from this switching, it will lead us to the current SmartCAT. We're used to see you're the same projects and you can if you will need add, I mean heart and Slater's or continue using the smart card with the projects that you've created in this simple UI or the project projects, which were great with the simple UI inside. With your teammates, you can go to the manager managers view and here manage this project projects into complicated scenarios. You can hire translators, you can perform the other things that you usually do inside this version. And if you will need to go back, you can do it here also with the same the same suture, it will returns back to you to to the new version. So and how it usually can be used for example, you can share this simple experience with your users who needs only machine translation, they will use this experience you will have the single smartphone balance you can manage it from your managers account. And if your teammates will need to have their projects, be post edited with someone from the marketplace. For example, you can open this project from the managers view and their perform are the complicated scenarios in the future. We will try to move all old smartcard features into this new interface we will develop it and make it possible to cover all jobs that we are having this market now. So we just started from the two two first jobs which connected to the machine translation and covered them here. Looks like that. So what I like to share you with me and one. One more thing that I plan to tell you is what we haven't planned for the future what will be are the next steps. The next steps will be that we will add multiple workspaces so your teams will have a Seville to have separated workspaces where you can manage their smartphone balance you can set limits you can say you can manage linguistic resources. For example, you will be able to have one single translation no matter for The whole account or you may have separated translation memories for the for each workspace also, we will add we will expand the sharing tool, which I told you that now you can allow users to work together with all projects. And maybe in two or three weeks, we will update the software with the possibility to share exact file or exact language where or exactly projects to someone I mean, to the user who has access only for for his projects. So then you can manage you know, the the excess, easily how we used to have it in many platforms like for example, Google Doc, how you or whatever notion where you can share some part of some portion of the content. Yeah. Looks like that's all. This is everything that I plan to share today with you. And how I want to finish we have this. We have some questions. Yeah. Sorry. One last thing. We want to have you guys help us too. And, yeah. So that's all. Let's move to the questions. I remember that we have a question. Or two, ask.

Kate Vostokova 16:52
Questions. Actually. Yeah, we will do this. Yeah. Yeah. Let's take some questions. So can you see the questions? Should I read them out? I think I will read them any way. So we have the first one from Larissa. She's asking if we don't use an automated translation. Do we have to unpick this option? Every time?

Serge Borovikov 17:23
Yeah, good question. Hey, I see the question. So let me maybe read the next question myself. Okay. So the first question is about pick up in this automatic translation each time. Yeah, for now you have to pick up at each time, I don't think it will take much time. But if we really helpful to you to save this choice, of course, we can edit here. And I can tell you that in this new interface and in the product, we can faster iterate, we can develop, it's more you know, how frequently so we don't have any limits. And we can add such things? Who useful things that users will ask really fast, because in the old one, we had, you know, all this architecture and many, many other things that we were struggling with. So we are in now in a big, big journey of making smart cut color. So the next question from way sorry, if I will make mistake when I read the name. The question is, if the smart words smart person are basically the TTM, right? Yes, smart words are included in the machine translation and the translation memory. So I think the short answer yes. And if you saw my demo, you can always choose how we want to translate each project or in combination mt plus TM or OMG or with TM only without any machine translation if you are already have cool translation memory. The next question is a news

Kate Vostokova 19:25
or sorry, search. Sorry, can I make a short announcement? Guys, if you want to ask your question live, simply raise a hand and I will turn on your microphone because I understand in some cases, it's really hard to put it in written. So just raise your hand. Yeah, let's

Serge Borovikov 19:44
Okay. The next question is our company has several legal departments that work with international agreements. It's important that all employees can use automatic translation on their own and still be able to engage with localization managers for posting between the ones that automatic translation is completed, does the new product support such cases? Looks like yes, you know, this is exactly what we've done. We can have separated departments inside the workspaces. Each user will have insulated environments only with his projects, and he will just put the files to two languages and receive the results. insulated. And if he will need to have some post editing or proofreading of his complicated documents, he can always ask his manager to add the next steps. I mean, the next workflow steps into his projects, and it can be done. So. Yeah, it's cool that we have such such cases. And a question from us to see if there is no assignment process known invitations to the project, how will the vendors be notified about the new task? Good question. If you have a vendor like, like, like, like, we know, like we used to have in a professional environment, you have to use the managers do you hear we are talking about cases where when you work with someone closely, you know, when you just share access to your account or to to your project or to your language player, or to a file and you don't need to somehow notify the the vendor because you have communication outside the smartcard I don't know maybe in Slack or in throughout the messenger, but we will have shortened notification in in in the next sharing tool that will implement after two weeks, when we will allow you to share exact file or language where on some or some smaller piece of content will provide identification, which will classify this person. Very sound next question, what types of domains they have in the flow? And what rights do they have? As teammates now can be it can have three types of roles. We have an administrator, we have a manager and we have the user how we call it now. And the administrator have the full access manager can have this has the same rights like mean, I've inserted but he can't invite administrators. So this manager can see the whole projects that are all users creating. And the user is the person who will have easily workspace only with his projects. So three roles we will have from the beginning. The next question, also

Kate Vostokova 23:11
sorry, sorry, we have one there. Sorry. Sorry. We have one question from Anastasia she wants to ask life so I'm just connected. Yeah. Hi, Anastasia. Oh, hi, guys. Can you hear me?

Serge Borovikov 23:26
Yes. Perfect. Yes, yes.

Anastasia Taymanova 23:28
Thank you for the presentation. I would just I'd like to make it more clear about notifications. Unfortunately, I I didn't get it. We will be used to flows we use in house translator. And we also have an outsourced team. And will something change in terms of notifications for outsourced team. So how do the guys who will know about new tasks? Because right now, they get a notification via email.

Serge Borovikov 24:07
Yeah, thanks for the question look. If you will continue using your outsource team through the managers view, I mean for the way how you used to do it now, nothing will change. Yeah. So, they you will still have to assign them to the task to the project, they will receive notification. So nothing changes. You can just try to use it in a simple way with the for example with your internal team. They will still still receive the notifications when you will assign them or when you will not assign them when they will share their content to them. But there will no tasks they they will be no cost calculations nothing. You just share the project or share the file. For example, like you're doing Google Docs, right. They will Just open it will translate it and you will see the results in the progress. They will they will say they will be able to write you outside the smart contract. Okay. The translation was performed, but you understand no tasks? Nothing? I don't know if I

Kate Vostokova 25:22
see your question. Yeah, that's just says yes, yes. Thanks.

Serge Borovikov 25:31
Let me clarify one more, one more time. We have many cases, when, for example, someone has, has a has a translator, which is not on the marketplace, which maybe they used to work with him outside the smartcard and they won't just have access, that allow him to have access to the person of content, without any assignments, tasks, invitations, you know, and so on. So you just copy the link to the to this content, send it to email or via messengers. This translator, just open it and translate, you know, without any, all these things. When you should, for example, compare into the current smartcard, if you're using your internal team, you have to set up language players services inside each Freelancer inside each translator. So it it, it makes the process more complicated and not clear, especially for the new users. So that's why we tried to make it simpler. Okay. Next question. Is there from Daria? Is there custom sorting of the files and project in your development plans now? In the list of projects that are sorted thematically, by creation time? Yeah. Now they create sort of wait time, it would be much convenient. If we could sort of, of course, yeah, we will develop it, you know, this is just the first version that we will collect all the feedback that you will bring to us. We have live chat inside this new version. So you can also type or all your demands there. What interesting also about the deadline. So you know, now, in the new version, we don't have any deadlines. So then if you need to work, continue work with your projects, have them as a manager, where you have obvious things, tasks, deadlines, cost and so on, you can continue using the current version, our first step in the new version more simpler, without any deadlines, without assignments, and so on. So if it's okay for you now, or maybe it can cover course, some cases in your team or inside the organization, it will be to be good, but if not, it's okay. You can continue using those markets. And just to wait a little, I think in a healthier or will might be more helpful, I hope we'll do the faster, we'll move all the smart cards into the new UI. Next question, is we SmartCAT along with the magenta for two for our online shop. Is this integration available from the new interface? Now all integration, RMS, keep managed inside the managers view with the old is the manual connection. And from the dashboard, we can see any for about the webshop. Thanks. Great work. Thanks for the work. And it's good question. Let me think just a 10. Second. You know, I'll save this question about the automatic connection, and about the results. And we'll try to address you outside the meeting because I don't have a right answer to that now. Thanks for the question. Looks like this. The last question, I think you're answering my previous question. I tested this new

Kate Vostokova 29:23
this last one. Sorry. Oh,

Serge Borovikov 29:27
yeah, I tested these new procedures back at the end of the year. I did not have a good experience. Mainly the process of assignment works to my own team mates. Yeah, of course, you can try to test it now because it's change, change comparing to the end of the year, so it's, it will be great. If you will try it now. And still, if you have complicated Things with assignments, you can still continue using the old SmartArt, which we now can say an old market because we now have a new news market. And we will transfer in the old features inside. It's inside the new one, but step by step. This week looks like that's all questions. Thanks for

Kate Vostokova 30:22
Yes, that's it, I have sent the link if you want to try to better test this new interface, so feel free to fill in the short form. And our colleagues will contact you and we'll turn it on right search.

Serge Borovikov 30:37
Yeah, just I will explain. So, it will, if you will. Try the new experience, it will add the new switcher at the very top corner as I showed shown you so you can do continue using the everything that you used to use. But you can switch to the new version and try there. Now we are in the beta version. So there can be many bugs you guys, this is the this is the first step so it's okay and as if you will use it if you will write your feedback maybe your demands or things that you can have here. From the beginning we will carefully read all this feedback and try to improve it faster. So as many feedback as you can.

Kate Vostokova 31:32
Okay, thanks everyone for time search. Thank you for this demonstration and see you next webinar and you'll receive a recording tomorrow is

Serge Borovikov 31:41
from you guys

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