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Making "Cultural SEO" an integral part of internationalization

October 27, 5:39 PM
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Culture is a determining factor as to why people behave the way they do. In turn, it also affects buyer behavior and SEO. In order to bring campaigns to the next level, we need to understand the sociology and psychology behind how we think and act.


Sarah Presch 00:06
So today I'm going to be talking about making cultural SEO an integral part of your internationalization because culture is really important. And I don't think sometimes translation buyers know just quite how. So I'm not going to waste time on an introduction, because it's already been done very nicely. So let's get into the real nitty gritty of things. So what is culture, as you guys will work with languages, I'm sure you will have a pretty good idea of what culture is. But from a non language perspective, it's a social behavior, the institutions and norms and knowledge, beliefs, our laws, customs, habits of individuals. And it's also normally attributed to a region or a location. So that's how we get the whole kind of culture is associated with a particular country sort of thing. I bet there's lots of people in this chat, who have read the Culture Map, and enjoyed it. So I thought we'd start off with this. With this kind of explanation, I would say, you're probably looking at this thinking, Oh, how does this have anything to do with international SEO and marketing and communications and that kind of thing. But it's really, really important. I don't have time to go through everything, of course, today. But let's take a look at the top line, you've got high context and low context communication. People from the US like low context, communication, whereas people in India, Egypt, and lots of other different countries prefer high context. So if you are planning, marketing, communications, if you're translating, if you're doing information for particular countries, you need to make sure that you're serving the language in the way that they used to. So for example, as I said, if you're going out with a marketing campaign and text in America be actually using the same campaign in India, or more high context countries, you actually have to adapt the language that you're using, so that people understand it so that it resonates. So using the kind of language that they like. This kind of moves on as well to Hofstede cultural dimensions. Now, the sixth here, he can I don't have time to deep dive into all of them. I do actually have some resources, which I can send out afterwards, if you ask me on LinkedIn, to go into more detail. But let's take a look at for example, uncertainty avoidance index. Now, this is quite a good one, because it really rates countries on kind of do they like uncertainty, are they willing to take risks? Or do they like you know, sticking to the status quo? And this is really, really important when it comes to marketing and SEO and communications. Because if you're going out with a product that say high risk, for example, loans or investments, that kind of thing...

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