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Incorporating Localization Best Practices into L&D Curriculum Development

June 15, 3:06 PM
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Unlock the secrets of successful L&D curriculum development with the integration of localization best practices. Maximize global training impact and effectiveness in this informative presentation.


Yeah, I think when I first saw a learning and development course, it was quite different to what I've seen before in terms of software or marketing, like emails, I was more familiar with those content types. And when I first saw a really complex course, it was almost like a whole separate environment, you know, a whole experience that had to be localized. So comprising a lot more content types, you know, it's kind of multimedia content, it's very complex. It's sort of like, you know, an entire website, an entire experience. And it takes a lot more time. There's many different file formats. You have written content, videos, subs, graphics, images, UX, UI elements, and you really need to think about what is it going to look like for another language. And, you know, the cost might be higher, the timelines could be longer because it is more of a bigger project. So I think that to me would be the first main difference. And also kind of, I guess, from a project management standpoint, you know, kind of look at it from different stages and you kind of work with your vendor or freelancers, I guess, more on a daily basis, you kind of check in a lot more, there will be more questions from my experience. So it's more hand holding, let's go through everything together and make sure that we have the final, you know, nicely localized and QA'd experience ready in each language. So that was the main difference, as I would say for me. I guess I'll pop in next. Thanks, Matthew. Always good insight. You know, it's interesting when this question came up, I have made it sort of like the highlight of all of my job experiences to show the difference of global content versus local content. And it's always been kind of a challenge in e-learning, especially because requirements are different across the world for jobs. And then you'll have so many legal and corporate requirements. Canada has even changes lately, more lately with Bill 96, you know, needing requirement of education content to be translated into French, diversity policies around the world. The United States has equal opportunity, very important mandates, code of conducts will be different across the world. So these are important, different legal and corporate requirements that really need attention that I think kind of neglected in e-learning. And it's really important for any global entity that's doing any kind of training to realize that you've got to pay attention, put the resources, the time and the money into getting that content localized correctly.

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