New automatic invoicing and settings for quick and easy end-of-the-month supplier payments

Hassle-free payments have been one of the most popular Smartcat features, because we allow companies to significantly cut down the amount of time it takes to pay suppliers, down to a matter of minutes. That being said, we are always looking for ways to improve our product EVEN further. 

We’ve introduced NEW payment automation options, which will help you to set up invoicing and payment deadlines, and seamlessly align the payment process with your workflow. 

This is all part of Smartcat’s unified and enterprise-compliant procurement platform, which helps companies like yours cut the red tape and shave days off of your usual invoicing process. Not only can you source suppliers, but you can also pay them easily and in a cinch.

What’s new?

  • Automated invoicing – Stop worrying about forgotten or lost invoices. They will automatically generate upon project completion unless you specify otherwise.

  • Custom settings for generating invoices – Adjust the invoice generation and payment due dates 

  • Separation of invoices by grouping – Get one invoice for all completed tasks or group invoices based on category and/or different parameters.

  • Details at hand – Automatically add all manually created supplier jobs to your invoices.

  • Transparency for your suppliers – Freelancers see the real payment terms for their jobs

Want to know more about automatic payments in detail? Head to the Smartcat Help Center to learn more about how you can customize the invoicing setup and process to fit your specific needs.

Smartcat enterprise-compliant Procurement Platform makes invoicing easy

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