Take language quality assurance to enterprise level

How well does each of your language service suppliers perform? With quality being the number one importance for companies today, as shown in our Translation Industry Survey, we’ve added a new feature that will help you attain it each time: Introducing our LQA profiles, which will allow you to ensure more consistency in your translation quality assurance process.

How does Language Quality Assessment (LQA) work?

The functionality lets you create LQA profiles based on the MQM (Multidimensional Quality Metrics) scoring model that annotates each error with: 

  • Category (Accuracy, Fluency, Terminology, etc.)

  • Weight (0 or more)

  • Severity (Critical, Major, Minor, Neutral)

These profiles are used as labels to mark errors in the source and target text in the Editor. 

The scoring algorithm will automatically collect and process all data from the labels, combine it with additional information, such as the size of the text in words and return a value from 0 to 100, which represents the quality score for the specific project.

What can you do with the LQA data?

  • Download custom reports for analytic purposes

  • Determine the pass/fail threshold for supplier evaluation

  • Unify the editing process

For now, the LQA functionality is in Beta, but soon it will be available for free to our Enterprise subscribers and as a 30-day trial to the rest.

Check out our documentation for more details.