Make localization agile with our new Jira integration

Our new integration tracks Jira tickets and detects any files attached to them. It automatically creates a Smartcat project for each file based on a predefined template, then generates the translation, and pushes it back to the original Jira issue. 

Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Agile project management. Eliminate manual content uploads and translation task creation,

  • Transparency. Get up to date on project progress automatically.

  • Speed. Use the power of Smartcat automation to deliver in less time. We sync every 15 minutes!

  • Consistency. Use custom issue filters and create translation templates including your glossaries, translation memories, etc.

    The integration setup is standard and will take just a few minutes. All you need is the URL of your Jira instance, the email specified in your Smartcat profile, and an API token generated in your Atlassian account. Check out our documentation to streamline the setup.