Transform monolingual Figma files into multilingual with Smartcat connector

Figma is a web-based graphics editing and user interface design app widely used for designing mobile app interfaces, prototyping designs, creating social media posts, and everything in between. The Smartcat plugin for Figma will instantly translate your Figma pages and individual frames into any language, allowing you to modify and test layouts in one place, without the messiness of endless copies for every language.

To start using the Smartcat plugin for automated translation, select the source language and destination languages. As soon as a destination language is specified, the original texts in frames will be automatically translated and replaced with their equivalents.

When multiple languages are selected, you can switch between them, verify that the translated text is correctly located inside the frame and make necessary adjustments on the fly.

The number displayed next to each destination language represents the percentage of the source text in the selected frame currently translated to this particular language. If the number is smaller than 100%, click on the three-dot icon for the corresponding language and select Update translations

The Smartcat plugin allows you to keep track of the styles applied to various text objects in your frames. If Show text object properties is toggled on, the currently selected text objects and its styles will appear at the bottom of the plugin window.

If the automated translation needs to be improved, select the corresponding text object and edit it in the Smartcat plugin window. Enabling the option This translation is edited manually will instruct Smartcat to safeguard your edits to make sure that they are not overwritten by the automatic translation.

For the detailed instructions on installing, configuring, and using the Smartcat plugin for Figma check out our documentation.

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