Use Smartcat to automate localization of your Akeneo account

Akeneo is one of the most popular product information management (PIM) systems that help brands provide quality customer service across all sales channels, store product data, and manage product catalogues easily.

Smartcat can connect to your Akeneo account and import all the source fields marked as localizable. If some of your product descriptions are already translated, Smartcat will import the existing language versions automatically. When the translation is ready, the localized versions will be pushed back to Akeneo.

You can also customize the translation process to your liking: use machine translation, translate the documents manually, assign your internal linguists to do it, or find and hire trusted translators and editors at our marketplace.

In the example below, there are 370 localizable source fields, but the Smartcat connector eats such volumes for breakfast:

After gathering and processing information from Akeneo, Smartcat represents it in the same exact hierarchy, allowing you to select the categories for translation:

The rest is the ordinary integration configuration process that Smartcat customers are already familiar with: select the source and target languages, choose the most suitable workflow type and click Translate.

If some of your product descriptions are already translated, Smartcat will import the existing language versions automatically.

When the translation is ready, the localized versions will be pushed back to Akeneo and appear when the respective language is selected from the Locale drop-down list.

A step-by-step guide to website localization

A step-by-step guide to website localization

Learn more