Ataullah Hemat
Ataullah Hemat
Pashto  native

I am a certified Translator / Interpreter and native speaker of both Pushto and Dari languages. My English language skills are as good as native. I am PHD scholar at the moment and have completed MS in English Literature from Andhra University...

Work schedule



Accounting, Agriculture, Architecture, Annual reports, Arts and culture, Aviation and space, Automotive business, Banking and investment, Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Blockchain and cryptocurrency, Business, Cartography, Chemistry, Computing Science, Construction, Contracts and reports, Corporate, Correspondence, Cosmetics, Document, ERP, Ecology and environment, Economics, eLearning, Electrical engineering, Electronics, Energy, Fashion, Fiction, Finance, Food and drinks, Gaming, General, Geography, Geology, HR, History, IT and computing science, Industrial automation, Insurance, Industry, Legal, Life Sciences, Linguistics, Luxury goods, Manuals, Marketing, advertising, PR, Mathematics, Engineering, Medical equipment, Medical, Metallurgy, Military, Mining, Oil and gas, Nuclear, Optics, Pharmaceutics, Patent, Philosophy, Physics, Government, Printed materials, Psychology, eCommerce, Real estate, Entertainment, Social science, Science, Religion, Sociology, Software, Sports, Technical, Telecommunication, Textile, Tourism and travel, Thermal power engineering, Transport and logistics, Veterinary medicine, Website
6k words per day
$0.07 per word

Global Voices Media,  Senior Translator & Interpreter,  2016 - Present

GIZ,  Pashto & Dari Translator and Interpreter,  2017 - Present

Proz, Translatorcafe, and Upwork,  Translator & Interpreter,  2013 - Present


Facebook UI,  2018